OPENING TIMES8AM to 9PM Weekdays / 9AM to 5PM SaturdaysCALL US01922 501 999

PCN Support and Clinical Staffing

OurNet Health Services provide, administration, management and finance support to the seven Walsall PCNs and their practices.

OurNet Health Services provide, administration, management and finance support to the seven Walsall PCNs and their practices. We currently employ over 50 members of Additional Roles Reimbursment staff under the NHSE scheme for primary care, including; clinical pharmacists, paramedics, nurse associates, physician associates and social prescribing link workers. These staff work within the Walsall PCN GP practices to support patients.


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OurNet Communication Centre, The Old Stables, Elmore Court, Elmore Green Road, Walsall WS3 2QW.

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